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Topping sugar plum pie dragée biscuit. Cake toffee shortbread sugar plum tootsie roll brownie

Topping sugar plum pie dragée biscuit. Cake toffee shortbread sugar plum tootsie roll brownie

Great Women of the 1920s: Sheila Chisholm
I think I mentioned the book, Sheila: The Australian beauty who bewitched British society when I first found it last…

Things that made me laugh this week
I hope you are having a great week and if you celebrate Christmas, that you’re almost ready for the big…

Hello from a jet-lagged author
I’m on my way to Poland as you’re reading this and I’m hoping by the time I arrive my jet…

Things are about to get exciting
Greetings from Germany! I’m still fighting jet lag, but I’m excited to be here and I managed to make the…