A Roaring Release Week
I’m feeling so grateful to the readers and writers who have supported me during the launch of A Roaring Murder. It’s been a rollercoaster ride of emotions—excitement, trepidation, elation and so much love.
To celebrate, my daughter (and cover designer) Delaney and I put on our Sunday best and headed off to high tea.
Our destination was the Hyatt Canberra, a 1920s heritage hotel with gorgeous art deco decor.
Then we came home and spent a few hours baking and decorating sugar cookies. I bought these 1920s themed cookie stamps a few months ago, and it was so much fun to use them.
Monday was Halloween—a holiday that is gaining popularity here in Australia.
For the first time we carved a pumpkin, but alas, the weather wasn’t kind to trick or treaters.
Only a few brave souls ventured out in the pouring rain.
The trick or treaters loss was my co-workers gain. We now have enough chocolate stashed in my office to last us through the year 🙂
Wednesday I was thrown for a loop a bit when I scan revealed I have a hernia! I’d hoped it was just a pulled muscle from all the gardening and heavy lifting I’ve been doing while cleaning out my parent’s house. It’ll need fixing next year, but for now I’m being extra careful not to lift anything too heavy.
The good news is my GP has cleared me to travel, so our European adventure will still be going ahead in December—I just won’t be carrying any luggage 🙂
There’s only four weeks until we leave and so much to do! Especially because we’ll now have house sitters moving in to care for our old dog, Luna. I’m not sure how I’ll do all the cleaning and tidying I want to do before they move in, but I’ll find a way.

Our Luna is a 14 year old Maltese cross and unfortunately she is now deaf and almost totally blind. It’s such a shame because she’s still very active and mobile. She acts like a much younger dog and still loves going on her daily walks.
Being blind is really only an issue when she’s out of the house. At home she’s got everything memory mapped and gets about quite confidently. My lovely sister-in-law had offered to have her stay with her, but after a few trial visits we realised it would be too much for her.
I’m very relieved my brother and his family have agree to move in to our house while we are away. I know she’ll be spoilt with love and hopefully not miss us too much.
So there’s been a lot going on this week, but I’ve managed to stay on schedule with my writing. It’s National Novel Writing Month and I’ve committed to finishing the first draft of Lady Marigold book two and a Lady Clues Christmas short story.
Today my local writing friends met up at the National Library cafe. It’s one of my favourite places to write in Canberra and while we did more talking than writing, there were plenty of good stories shared.

To finish this week’s update, I want to say a BIG thank you to the readers who left me my first two reviews for A Roaring Murder.
I can’t tell you how happy they made me. I was smiling for hours after reading them and it was so wonderful to share them with my family and friends.

I’m also so grateful to everyone who bought or borrowed the book and to those who left a star rating.
Readers are my favourite people!
Next week I’ll share some details about where we’re headed to on our European adventure, the audiobooks I’ve downloaded to listen to on the plane and I’ll be putting up my Christmas decorations so get ready for some photo spam of my house 🙂
The next issue of my newsletter is almost ready to be sent out.
If you’d like to read it, please subscribe at avaness.news